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GSA Fleet Provider (

Colonial and AutoFlex Fleet Logo Lockup

Colonial Fleet Electrification
Don Combs, [email protected]
5171 Intercoastal Court
Monrovia, MD 21770
(301) 865-2400

GSA Schedule Federal Leasing
Luis MacDonald, [email protected]
office (410) 455-9293


Specialized Second-Stage Manufacturer

Progress Manufacturing Company Logo

Progress Manufacturing Company, LLC
Rob Lykins, [email protected]

1274 S. State Rd. 32
Union City, IN 47390
office: (765) 964-3301
cell: (765) 969-0807


Leasing and Finance

Doering Fleet Management
Bob Crowe, [email protected]
cell (407) 456-1561
Joanne Cornier, [email protected]
cell (407) 353-0728

15300 W Capitol Dr.
Brookfield, WI 53005
(262) 395-4700

Mitsubishi HC Capital America, Inc.
[email protected]

Russ Yanaga, Transportation Sales Director
(203) 858-6585

Become a Workhorse Dealer

Find out how you can become an authorized dealer of our all-electric, class 4-6 medium-duty work trucks.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Reach out to discover how Workhorse’s dependable, all-electric fleet can work for you.